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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Junin Photo Blast!!!

Last week all the Peru 20 Environmental volunteers traveled to the department of Junin for in-service training. Highlights included stopping off at the world's highest railroad which reaches 4,830 m (15,850 ft... It was VERY cold), helping Shannon fix up an endangered frog specie's enclosure, seeing flamingos at 13,500 ft!, learning about Environmental psychology from Alane, installing a biodigester, learning about school gardens, doing some light hiking, and I got to teach the other volunteers about my plastic bag project. (For those of you who don't know, I am re-utilizing plastic bags in my site to create Plana (plastic yarn) and crocheting/knitting with the Plana. I hope to sell these items and reduce the amount of plastic bags going to the dump in my site.) All in all, it was a super busy week but really fun! Sorry for the abundance of photos again. Please note I'm wearing 3-4 layers (top and bottom) in most of these photos.

4800m! SUPER cold and wearing lots of layers!
Fixing the net for the enclosure
Mike clearing out the reeds in the enclosure
Placing the net over the enclosure
Planking with Brian at the Lake
The beautiful Lake Junin

Mike and the scarf I crocheted him

Brian scaling the wall..

Watching the sunset over the Lake
Stasia's super well behaved kids and their awesome plants
The final product hung
Poking holes to hang the bottles
Teaching the volunteers about my project

I taught the volunteers how to make Beta fish keychains out of plastic bags and this was Ingrid's beautiful fish!

The adorable campo kids
They could not have been cuter watching us install the biodigester
The kids and their dad
The wall we built to prevent cows from falling in the biodigester
This kid kept eating the styrofoam
Filling the biodigester stomach
Literally everyone worked together on this
Mike piling rocks for the wall
Placing the biodigester in the hole

This guy's site was seriously beautiful

Our boss says that kids are our soldiers and that we should make them do all our work. I take this to heart
We hiked into a small cave
My new favorite animal is the vicuña

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