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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Day at the Beach with Some Friends and a Puppy

Last weekend, a bunch of the La Libertad girls got together in San Pedro de Lloc. We went to a beautiful beach called Poémape.  Poémape is a quaint beautiful beach in a rural town and very different from the beach in my site. It was a really relaxing day filled with bananagrams, yummy food (thanks Sue!), playing with a puppy, and me getting absurdly sunburnt. (I was very foolish and did not put on sunscreen. Thus, I got seriously burnt and am now molting (it is pretty gross.)) I learned my lesson and look forward to the next beach day! 

Frodo is one of the cutest puppies ever

I really want this puppy

He was nibbling on my necklace a lot

It was SUPER cold


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