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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Otuzco ECPA Workshop

Two weeks ago, I attended the Otuzco ECPA (Energy and Climate Partnership of Americas) workshop on climate change. Our activities included: visiting a biodigestor, fun games to help teach climate change, watching a solar water pump demonstration, learning about hydroponics, constructing a cocina mejorada (improved kitchen oven), and more! (A cocina mejorada is an improved kitchen stove that reduces wood consumption, improves heat usage, and funnels out harmful smoke. We installed one in a school in Otuzco.) It was a super informative workshop. I learned a lot and it was really cool seeing my peers teach in Spanish. I look forward to the second workshop coming up this week!
The Beautiful Otuzco

Playing Red Rover P.S Mike is a cheater

Playing Snakes and Ladders
Playing Slides and Ladders

This adorable guy at the Biodigester site

DeeDee's awesome digester!

Mike teaching some solar math
The panel demonstration
Getting some soil/picking out rocks
Picking out more rocks and mixing the soil with water

Cutting the adobe blocks to size

Getting even more soil....
To build this beautiful cocina

Also this adorable guy was at the site

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